
Sally came to the shelter in August, 2017 as a pregnant feral. She was a great mom, but hated people! This posed a special problem when it came to adoption. The dedicated volunteers worked with her extensively, but a breakthrough was a long time coming. Trust was very difficult for her. At times it appeared that Sally would be a ‘lifer’ at Happy Endings.

Then in July of 2020, a wonderful young couple walked through the door to meet her. They fell in love with her quirks and attitude. But more importantly, they were able to see beyond the scared cat in the cage. They came to spend time and interact with her every week for several weeks so that she could get to know them. In August, 2020 they made it official – they were now family. Below is an update from ‘mom.’

“When Sally joined our family, it was far from easy. We knew her background and thought we were prepared. The first week she was home, she refused to eat or drink. There was a time we thought she may never accept us and we'd have to bring her back to Happy Endings. It took some salmon, but she had finally eaten! After that first day, we knew we were over the biggest hurdle and we just had to be patient with her.

Within the following months, she gradually let us start hand feeding her treats, playing with her toys, and not hiding in the bedroom all day. Now? She asks for attention and treats. She hangs out with us in the living room. She still runs if we move too quickly, but the progress she made has blown us away. She is a perfect addition to our family and we couldn't imagine our lives without her.”